Montessori Cu...

Montessori Curriculum

Montessori teaching approach was founded by Dr Maria Montessori, Italy’s first female doctor of Medicine.  Dr Montessori had a deep interest in children who had learning difficulties.  She observed them and successfully helped those children to read and do Mathematics.  She then extended her research and method to other children.  Dr Montessori was not only well-known in her home country, her pedagogy also aroused the interest and attention of other countries.  Over the past decades, the Montessori approach has been adopted by lot of schools due to its proven positive outcomes.

The Montessori approach nurtures children to learn through understanding, rather than being told.  Children will end up developing confidence and joy in learning.  The curriculum is organized to present concepts and ideas appropriate to children.  It encourages children to become independent by providing a rich learning environment.

Each child is given the opportunity to progress at his own pace and complete his tasks to his own desire.


The Montessori curriculum focuses on five key areas:

Sensorial experience

Dr Maria Montessori believed that nothing comes into the mind except through the senses.  The purpose of the sensorial activities is to help the child in his effort to sort out the many impressions given by the senses and to aid in the development of the intellectual senses of the child.  The experiences help to develop the ability to observe and compare.  The aim is to assist the child to become a logical, aware and perceptive person.

Practical Life

Practical life learning is the cornerstone of Montessori education.  The activities involved are the activities of everyday life and relate to all aspects of life.  Basically, children are taught to care for themselves and their environment.  Children are usually familiar with the practicial life activities as they see their parents and adults performing those tasks every day like cleaning, food preparation and gardening etc.  The child observes how these activities are done and gain knowledge through the real experience of how to accomplish them in a purposeful way.  Practical life activities help children to become more independent, leading to greater self-confidence, and the ability to face new challenges


Learning mathematical concepts in a Montessori environment starts with concrete objects and progresses towards the abstract.  The learning process helps children to experience order, co-ordination, concentration and independence.  Initial explorations with sensorial materials encourage children to understand basic Mathematic concepts such as learning number recognition, counting and sequencing of numbers.  The foundation is laid step by step before the introduction of more abstract mathematical concepts such as addition and subtraction.


Language materials are designed to enhance vocabulary and explore both written and spoken language. Through language-based activities, such as the sandpaper letters and the moveable alphabet, children learn phonetic sounds and how to compose words phonetically. They progress using concrete materials to compose their own written work, read the work of others, and learn to communicate their unique thoughts and feelings.


Cultural activities lead the child to experience music, stories, artwork and items from the child’s community, society and cultural background.  Geography, science, zoology and botany are also included in this area.

The culture area encourages children to develop their capacity for creativity.  Children also develop an awareness and appreciation of the world around them; and understand the interrelationship between living beings and their environment.